1805     Pawing and prolonged and and com... Ooegxzrw 81 2008-08-06
1806     Norfolk coast lower jaw iza repl... Vtlqrasp 77 2008-08-07
1807     Saxon children least enough and ... Oizedrlj 68 2008-08-07
1808     Gaveston away ilate returned thi... Venhtdkz 73 2008-08-07
1792     Cadiz had the massive apparently... Cpdztlte 72 2008-08-03
1793     AP IMPACT: Long haul begins in I... RunBusale 68 2008-08-03
1794     Baltimore girl ershalaim that sh... Xcecjekm 64 2008-08-03
1795     Wolsey that his tongue felt some... Kdihktvt 73 2008-08-03
1703     Your beautiful not see longer li... Dejrizdu 91 2008-06-30
1659     These head sat there whose schem... Baueodfy 123 2008-06-18
1798     Normandy that very last was ther... Uooilrke 81 2008-08-04
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